Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Drishyam - 'A fresh and thrilling visual treat'

Any movie is built by placing a lot of pieces together. And the foundation for any great movie is usually a good story and a strong script. In Drishyam its foundation scores full marks and all other pieces like direction, acting, editing also comes out with flying colors

(+) Loved the 'realistic' theme : I always wondered about this unbelievable memory power of the characters in our typical crime thrillers who while questioned by police is able to recollect very normal incidents happened weeks back with the precision of date and even time. My brain hardly remembers a not-so-important incident happened day before yesterday, unless there is a real need to remember it. The director seemed to have read my mind and made a movie where the the central theme is based on this basic character of human memory, where the brain only retains the things that it feels is relevant and others are ignored unless its followed up with another connected incident. After watching a lot of movies with these characters of 'remarkable memory', one might feel it a little odd when 3-4 persons are not able to remember when exactly an incident happened only a few weeks earlier. But in in a real world this is more close to 'reality' !

(+) A detailed based director : I loved the works of Jeethu Joseph, right from 'Detective'. After an okeyish 'Mummy and me' and 'My boss' he is back, first with 'Memories' and now 'Drishyam'. The flow he maintained in the movie is beautiful, where he starts off with a  lite and pleasant first half to a roller coaster second half. The story, also written by him, is almost flawless and even the minute things are taken care

(+) Lalettan leading the show : What more should I say ? With such a strong script and direction, people will like the movie even if any other actor did the role of 'Georgekutty'. But can anyone else do this role as natually as our 'Complete Actor' did ?... I doubt it. Whether its a naughty romantic husband or a caring father or a tensed family man he was effortlessly living in those scenes. All others like Meena, Shajon, Asha, Siddique pitches in with key roles and good performance. Also a special mention to the two child artists who had a major role and did exceptionally well

(-) A little old-fashioned outlook : One can argue that the 'Georgekutty's' reserved outlook of "Women should be staying at home and should not be  going out" and 'Rani's' fear of "mobile converting you to naked photos" is due to the lack of education those characters have in the movie. But after watching the whole movie I got the feeling that the characters are talking a little bit of director's outlook. And if it is the case, I am a little against ths outlook, as I believe hiding or running away is not the solution for the social issue shown in the movie

Verdict : There are not many movies which is liked almost every one. Watch it not just for Lalettan, but for a refreshing attempt by a director who has a long way to go !

Tail Piece - For the one who already saw the movie (Beware of SPOILERs)
The movie leaves you with a more important question. When a girl's video is taken using hidden camera in a bath room which is later used to black mail her, the family had to do the extreme step which ended in beating the guy to death. Question is what can be done in such a case, especially when the culprit is a big shot (like IG's son here). A tough question to answer. May be in an ideal world following sequence can happen,

1) Girl will tell the boy to go and f##k off and do what ever you want with the video

2) Boy puts the video in youtube, but society instead enjoying the video and harassing the girl, will turn against the boy who defamed an innocent girl

3) Boy will be put behind the bars and girl will be commended for her courageous attitude

Now only question is, how far are we from this 'ideal' world ?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Punyalan Agarbattis" - An enhanting fun ride !

Let's keep it simple ! 

There are some movies which shakes you up and keeps you spell bound with its sheer magic. On the other hand there are some others where only thing you will remember, or rather regret at the end, will be about your time and money wasted over it. But our Punyalan is neither a jaw dropper nor it will make you regret your decision to watch it. All it gives you is a few hours of lite, humorous ride which will make your every rupee worth !

What stands out ?

A feel good comedy - Comedy is a difficult craft, both in art and in real life. All these double meaning jokes and slap stick comedies are used when you are unable to master this craft. "Punyalan Agarbathis' is a welcome relief in this way. Rather than trying to add some extra funny scenes to create comedy, they try to present each scenes story in a humorous angle as much as possible and this resulted in an engaging, 'never-a-dull-phase' movie

Hail the performers !
The pivotal role of 'Punyaalan Joy' seems to be tailor made for Jayasurya , who is undoubtedly one of the most flexible actors around. After Jayasurya its our "Thuthuru Thuthuruthu" fame Sreejith Ravi that steals the show. He seems to be a born actor who is able to perform in a pretty wide range. In short lets call it a team effort where each and every one gel together and played their little cameos to perfection

Ranjith Sankar does it again !
A good director is the one who can bring the best out of each actors. Ranjith Sankar, a promising director for future, seems to inherit this gift. To elaborate further,may be for the first time I saw our highly 'talented' actor Edavela Babu in a relevant role and believe it or not, even his role looks awesome in the screen. No more proofs needed !

A Hero who is not a 'Punyalan'
I like the role of 'Joy Thakkolkaran' a.k.a 'Punyalan Joy', not because he is a perfect protagonist, but rather because he is more human. He keeps you guessing what is actually in his mind and you never know if he is actually a honest guy with a lot of innovative ideas and vision who wants to make the world better or just a selfish opportunist businessman who just think about himself. In the movie he has an uncanny knack of convincing people and bring them under his spell. What ever image you give him, by the end of the movie 'Joy Thakkolkaran' will surely bring all of us under that magical spell

Area to improve

I got the feeling that there was an attempt to make the ending a little different so as to avoid those cliched climaxes. In the process they seem to have tried too many things towards the end, It was more like there were multiple options to choose in the script and after getting confused on which one to choose they might have taken a bit of every thing. It doesn't affect the movie a lot, but a little tuning in the script towards the second half could have made it a little better


Go for it with family and you will be guaranteed a few hours of entertainment !  Don't expect too much beyond that !

Thumps up all the way :)